Forschungs- & Publikationsdatenbank

Projekt - Fakultät für Geistes- und Humanwissenschaften - Institut für Mehrsprachigkeit
Projektdauer: 01.09.17 bis 31.08.20

proPIC - Promoting professionalism, innovation and transnational collaboration in foreign and second language learning and teaching - integrating research-orientation and mobile technologies in teacher education
proPIC Europa is an Erasmus+ project, which runs from September 2017 to September 2020. It was initiated by the University of Education Karlsruhe and brings together 5 European partners: Newcastle University (UK), the University of Barcelona (Spain), the University of Boras (Sweden), the University of Kiel (Germany) and the University of Education Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. Schwab, Götz (Leitung) Profil
Oesterle, Mareike Profil
In Zusammenarbeit mit:Newcastle University (UK), the University of Barcelona (Spain), the University of Boras (Sweden), the University of Kiel (Germany)
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Projekt-Id: 12
Erfasst von Schwab, Götz(Prof. Dr.) am 11.12.17
Zuletzt geändert von Schwab, Götz(Prof. Dr.) am 11.12.17