VEO - Video Enhanced Observation
- Fakultät für Geistes- und Humanwissenschaften - Institut für Mehrsprachigkeit
:VEO Europa is an Erasmus+ funded project which aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning through using an innovative technological approach developed at Newcastle University-the VEO App ( support initial teacher training and continuing professional development.

VEO Europa also aims to provide a tool to enable teachers to improve their monitoring and assessment of student learning. The main outputs of VEO Europa will be an enhanced version of the VEO App, an online platform hosting a set of training modules and portfolio of best practice resources, a community of practice, a series of case studies, a database and a research report and publications.

As VEO Europa seeks to promote teacher education with technology in different educational contexts, the project strategic partnership is composed by 6 partners in 5 countries: Newcastle University (UK), EdEUcation Ltd (UK), Padagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe (Germany), Lapland University (Finland), Hacettepe University (Turkey) and Regionalen inspectorat po obrazovanieto-Haskovo (Bulgaria).
:01.10.2015 bis 30.09.2017
Oesterle, Mareike []

:Newcastle University (UK), EdEUcation Ltd (UK), Lapland University (Finland), Hacettepe University (Turkey), Regionalen inspectorat po obrazovanieto-Haskovo (Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Götz Schwab 11.12.2017
Stefan Wörmann 16.02.2018