PedPack - Pedagogy and Practice
Projekt - Fakultät für Geistes- und Humanwissenschaften - Institut für Mehrsprachigkeit
Kurzinhalt:This two-year project, tries to put pedagogical theory into practice in five key areas to improve the quality of initial teacher training and therefore produce more confident teachers who are less likely to leave the profession early. Therefore, we aim to provide updated digital resources to improve the delivery of ITE and support teachers in their [vollständig anzeigen]
Projektdauer:01.09.2018 bis 31.08.2020
Prof. Dr. Schwab, Götz (Leitung) Profil
Oesterle, Mareike Profil
In Zusammenarbeit mit:edEUcation (UK) (cordinator)
Univerza na Primorskem (Slovenia)
Universidade Lusófona (Portugal)
CPIFP Bajo Aragón (Spain)
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Projekt-Id: 177
Erfasst von Prof. Dr. Götz Schwab am 07.02.2020