Playful mathematics learning during the early years: Out-of-school environments
Projekt - Fakultät für Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften - Institut für Mathematik
Status:aktuell laufendes Vorhaben
Kurzinhalt:Young children spend a considerable amount of time at home with a parent or other responsible adult. Thus, if we aim to promote young children’s mathematical knowledge, the home environment should be considered. Parents, however, do not always know how to enrich their young child’s mathematics competencies. As teachers’ knowledge and [vollständig anzeigen]
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Playful mathematics learning during the early years: Out-of-school environments
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oung children spend a considerable amount of time at home with a parent or other responsible adult. Thus, if we aim to promote young children’s mathematical knowledge, the home environment should be considered. Parents, however, do not always know how to enrich their young child’s mathematics competencies. As teachers’ knowledge and [vollständig anzeigen]
Projektdauer:01.07.2022 bis 24.12.2024
Prof. Dr. Benz, Christiane [Profil]
Reuter, Friederike [Profil]

In Zusammenarbeit mit:Prof. Dr. Esther Levenson Tel Aviv University
Dr. Ruthi Barkay, Tel Aviv University. Kibbuzim College Tel Aviv
Prof. Dr. Martin Carlsen, Agder University, Norway
Prof. Dr. Doug Clements. University of Denver
Prof. Dr. Susan Sonnenschein, University of Maryland
Prof. Dr. Hanna Palmer, University of Växjö, Schweden
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Erfasst von Prof. Dr. Christiane Benz am 24.07.2022
Zuletzt geändert von Prof. Dr. Christiane Benz am 25.07.2022