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Publikation Nr. 1198 - Details

Junge, X., Lindemann-Matthies, P., Hunziker, M. & Schüpbach, B. (2011). Aesthetic preferences of non-farmers and farmers for different land-use types and proportions of ecological compensation areas in the Swiss lowlands, Biological Conservation, 144, 1430-1440.


Beyond its traditional function of food production, agricultural land offers public amenities such as the protection of natural resources and landscape scenery. This study investigates the preferences of non-farmers and farmers for nine landscape scenarios in the Swiss lowlands. The nine landscapes were the result of a photo editing process combining three land-use types (arable crops, grassland and a mixture of both) and three proportions of ecological compensation areas (0%, 10% and 30%). The

Art der Begutachtung: Peer Review(Double-blind peer review)
Print: Ja
Online: Ja, ohne Open Access
Datenmedium: Nein