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Publikation Nr. 3777 - Details

Standl, B., Rosato, J., Leftwich, A. & Fragapane, V. (2020). (How) Do They Bring Computer Science to Everyone? Pre-Service Computer Science Teacher Programs in Germany and in the USA, Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (S.631-637). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

K-12 computer science education is critical to increase the computer science pipeline, as well as educate the next generation in the use of computers and its applications. To support the diffusion of computer science in K-12 education, we need to have teacher capacity. Although several studies have investigated using in-service teachers (teachers already teaching other subject areas in K-12), there are not enough teachers to meet the demand for computer science. We may be able to leverage pre-service teacher education programs to address pipeline and sustainability concerns. In this paper we present a comparison between pre-service computer science teacher education programs and K-12 computer science education policies in Germany and the United States. Findings suggest that teacher education programs need to consider all different types of approaches and designs to produce computer science teachers based on their contextual limitations.

Art der Begutachtung: Peer Review(Double-blind peer review)
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Online: Ja, ohne Open Access
Datenmedium: Nein