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Publikation Nr. 290 - Details

Schmidt, S., Henn, A., Albrecht, C. & Woll, A. (2017). Physical Activity of German Children and Adolescents 2003–2012: The MoMo-Study, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 14, 1375.

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph14111375

Organized and unorganized physical activity (PA) hold an important role in the daily life of children and adolescents. Regular representative tracking of PA in different settings is important to evaluate social trends and implemented interventions. In this paper, representative PA data of German children and adolescents from the MoMo Baseline-Study (2004, n = 4528) are compared to those of Wave 1 (2010, n = 3994). Participants aged 4–17 were drawn out of 167 sample points in Germany and th

Art der Begutachtung: Peer Review
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Online: Ja, mit Open Access aber ohne CC-Lizenz
Datenmedium: Keine Angabe