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Publikation Nr. 3885 - Details Ritter, F. & Standl, B. (2022). Promoting Computational Thinking in Teacher Education - Combining Semantic Waves and Algorithmic Thinking, ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER) (S.48-49). Lugano and Virtual Event, Switzerland: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). DOI: 10.1145/3501709.3544285 Abstract Teaching algorithmic thinking and programming is an important competency for future informatics teachers to acquire. To encourage this, we are investigating the development of a teaching-learning structure that combines the concept of semantic waves and algorithmic thinking with integrating block-based languages. In our teaching-learning laboratory for informatics (TLL), pre-service informatics teachers develop workshops based our concept, evaluate them with school classes and reflect on their didactic learning. Our concept is evaluated by students’ algorithmic thinking and their perception of the semantic wave using mixed methods. This poster presents one workshop based on our teaching-learning structure and its research procedures. Attribute: