Extended Telecollaboration Practice (ETP)
Projekt - Fakultät für Geistes- und Humanwissenschaften - Institut für Mehrsprachigkeit
Kurzinhalt:Extended Telecollaboration Practice in Teacher Education: Towards Pluricultural and Plurilingual Proficiency

ETP is an ongoing virtual exchange and mixed methods research project which takes place since 2015 between pre-service teachers of English as an International Language (EIL), studying in their respective institutions in Israel and Germany. [vollständig anzeigen]
Ergebnis:Analysis of qualitative and quantitative research data collected from 150 participants shows that participation in the telecollaboration has empowered them to learn together, share difficulties and successes vollständig anzeigen
Projektdauer:20.10.2015 bis 16.03.2021
Prof. Dr. Schwab, Götz (Leitung) Profil
Drixler, Nils (Leitung) Profil
In Zusammenarbeit mit:Dr. Tina Waldman,
Dr. Efrat Harel,
Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts, Tel Aviv, Israel.
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Projekt-Id: 176
Erfasst von Nils Drixler am 20.11.2019
Zuletzt geändert von Nils Drixler am 20.11.2019